Thursday, September 27, 2012

Miracle at Fort Custer

I want to share somthing with you that happened to me. It's a short accounting of a real miracle.

This narrative is not fiction, but documents what I consider to be an actual miracle which involved my life. You may read it and draw your own conclusions. Many people go through life looking for proof that God exists. This miracle came to me even though I am solidly steeled in my belief in God. If I find others who are moved by this I will publish Volume 2 with the bulk of the letters.

This miracle came to me as I was on a quest. This summer I picked up on documenting my predecessors. I had done some work earlier in my life with the help of my first wife and the Mormon Church (Yes, I’m a member, and have been for many years). Not to belabor the issue, I was not looking for God. He has visited me with miracles throughout my life. I do not think I have done anything exceptional to deserve this. I am accepting that this as part of a plan of which I am a part. My challenge in this life is to understand that plan and my role in it.

I believe that we have free agency. God does not drive our lives. Our lives are not pre-ordained. I also believe that God listens to our prayers and provides for our our needs if we are deserving.